New USB System Updates Added to Xbox 360

New USB System Updates Added to Xbox 360

Microsoft has added on more exciting features to the Xbox 360.

Major Nelson from Microsoft broke the good news after the Easter weekend that the latest version of Xbox 360 system update is live and gamers will be able to upgrade their systems shortly.

As it was made clear in the earlier reports issued by the company that the latest updates will be offering support system for USB storage devices.

With this new update, the Xbox 360 users will have the freedom to use both USB HDDs and flash drives but they should be at least 1GB in size in order to expand the storage of their systems. You can make use of only 16GB not matter how much is the size of the drive as 512MB of the storage space of the device will be occupied by the system partition.

Major Nelson further added that the users can use 2 devices at a time which will give 32GB of storage.  Above this the system will not get automatically configured after the device is connected to the console but you have do it manually by going to the memory area in system settings, then select your USB Device, and choose from the two options Configure Now or Customize.

If you are the one who just wants to put their money in anything that’s available in the market, then you can go for the “official” USB flash drives for the Xbox 360 developed by Microsoft and Sandisk. On the other hand the 8GB drive will cost you as high as $40 and the 16GB drive at $70, whereas you can easily get 8GB or 16GB flash drive for $15 and $30 respectively.

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