Facebook Privacy Issues Highlighted Again By Security Hole

Facebook Privacy Issues Highlighted Again By Security Hole

The users of Facebook, the world’s largest social network,are frustrated these days due to the technical glitch on the site which is making private information of the users public.

The latest glitch asks the users to link information in their profiles and then the information become public.

The glitch was discovered by users on Wednesday. Recently, Facebook had introduced changes (new Facebook Privacy Settings) that forced users to either make their information available for anyone to see or remove them from the social networking site.

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Although Facebook responded quickly to fix the problem, the glitch has once again raised the issue of privacy of the users of these networking sites. “Facebook has become more scary than fun,” said Jeffrey P. Ament, 35, a government contractor who lives in Rockville, Md.

Meanwhile, Facebook vice president for public policy Elliot Schrage said that the security hole would not dent company’s reputation. “For a service that has grown as dramatically as we have grown, that now assists with more than 400 million people sharing billions of pieces of content with their friends and the institutions they care about, we think our track record for security and safety is unrivaled. Are we perfect? Of course not,” noted Scharge.


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