Nokia announces bicycle-powered phone charger

Nokia announces bicycle-powered phone charger

Nokia unveiled Thursday a bicycle-powered phone charger that will provide “free and environment-friendly electricity for mobile phones”.

Nokia announces bicycle-powered phone charger

Priced at about $18, the Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit can be attached to any bicycle and it powers up from the pedaling motion of the bike’s rider. According to Nokia, the charger can be used to power any Nokia phone with a 2mm power jack.

“To begin charging, a cyclist needs to travel around six kilometers per hour (four miles per hour), and while charging times will vary depending on battery model, a 10-minute journey at 10 kilometers per hour (six miles per hour) produces around 28 minutes of talk time or 37 hours of standby time. The faster you ride, the more battery life you generate,” Nokia said in a statement.

The charger comes with a dynamo that attaches to a bike’s fork and generates electricity as a rider pedals. The product is likely to be welcomed in areas where bicycles are a transportation staple. It will be available from Nokia online and Nokia phone retailers by year’s end.

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