Autopsy Results Say 5 Of 9 Men On Gaza Aid Flotilla Were Shot In Head

Autopsy Results Say 5 Of 9 Men On Gaza Aid Flotilla Were Shot In Head

ISTANBUL: Autopsy results have revealed that nine men on Gaza-bound flotilla had died due to bullet wounds. Five of them were on the head, the result further reveals. The revelation shows how things unfolded after the Israeli commandos stormed the aid convoy.

The autopsies conducted by Turkish forensics experts have shown that all nine men killed by Israeli commandos during a raid on Gaza-bound flotilla had died due to gunshot wounds.

The results show the intensity of violence after the Israeli commandos stormed the aid convoy. CNN reports according to Dr. Haluk Ince, the director of Istanbul’s Medical Examination Institute , five of the men had died due to bullet wounds to the head. Ince said that one of the victims was shot at extremely close range.

“From the analysis of the bullet distance on one of the bodies,” Dr. Ince said, “the gun was fired between 2 and 14 centimeters’ distance from the victim’s head.” adds CNN.

The activists who were deported from Israel were given a hero-like welcome in Istanbul. Several protests were held across the country, denouncing Israel’s actions.

The killing of nine Turkish men has soured bilateral relation between Turkey and Israel. Turkey was considered to be the only Muslim country in the Middle East to enjoy friendly and cordial ties with the Jewish State.

Turkey has alleged that Israel’s actions were tantamount to an act of international piracy. “From now on, Turkish-Israeli ties will never be the same,” Turkish President Abdullah Gul said hours before the autopsy results.

“The incident has left a deep and irreparable scar.” CNN also reports that according to a spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Ankara has forwarded a 3-point demand list to Israel: tender apology for the raid, conduct an independent investigation, and revoke the blockade of Gaza.

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